Die Oben-Unten-Auswertung mit Toleranzen - Einfach wissen, dass es passt

Top-down evaluation with tolerances - Good to know that everything fits

When evaluating serial parts, you have the possibility of indicating tolerances. After a fully automatic evaluation through our unique reference run, you can immediately find out whether your part is OK or not. The advantage of the element list is in the display of the existing tolerance percentage, in addition to the red-green evaluation. This indicates the exhausted and remaining tolerance. This feature prevents unwelcome surprises, as you can immediately see whether you need to counteract the process, thereby avoiding late interventions associated with the usual red-green evaluation. Furthermore, our tolerance evaluation allows defining intervention limits. These limits are shown in yellow colour when it is time to act. It is possible to asign a tolerance value to any elements. This works naturally across contours. Simply click on the desired value and type the reference and tolerance value.

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