Oben-Unten-Messungen - Auswerten leicht gemacht

Evaluation made easy

Any number of contours can be evaluated with absolute dimensional reference to each other.
After one or more measurements, the measured contours appear on the analysis screen. At this point, there are several possibilities available to search for elements on the measurement. For example, you can search for elements in a semi-automatic fashion using your own criteria.

Moreover, you may create elements by double-clicking at any position. Should you require regression radii, you can calculate them according to the Gaussian or Chebyshev specification. As shown in the upper evaluation screen, you can graphically overextend the form deviation and display the numeric Pt value. In addition, you can create angles for any quadrant with just two clicks. As shown by the evaluation above, you can evaluate angles as well as distances between all measured contours.

Using the extrema function, it is possible to determine the greatest or smallest distances of evaluated elements or contours.

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